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영국, 2024년부터 배출권 거래 제도 강화
(美) Reuters 07-03

영국 배출권거래시스템관리청(UK Emissions Trading System Authority) 내년 영국 배출권 거래 제도(ETS)가 개정을 거쳐 이산화탄소 오염 한도를 강화하고 2026년에는 새로운 부문까지 확대할 예정이라고 지난 3(현지시간) 밝힘. 산업의 배출 저감에 인센티브를 제공하기 위해 마련된 ETS는 에너지 집약 산업발전 부문항공 부문의 참여자들이 이산화탄소 배출권을 구매하게 함. 관리청은 넷제로 목표 달성을 위해서는 ETS에 참여하는 산업들이 더 빠른 속도로 감축해야 할 필요가 있다고 판단, 1단계(Phase 1) 넷제로 한도를 88,700~93,600만 건으로 낮출 방침임. 현재 한도는 136,500만 건임.

관리청은 2023~2024년 급작스러운 배출권 공급 감소를 방지하기 위해 2024~2027년 보유고에서 5,350만 건의 배출권 물량을 추가로 풀 예정이며, 저탄소 가격 책정 등이 없는 국제 시장의 경쟁으로부터 산업을 보호하기 위해 제공하는 무료 배출권도 2026년까지 보장해 주기로 함또 영국의 ETS 2026년부터 국내 해양 운송, 2028년부터는 폐기물까지 확대 적용되고 항공 산업에 대한 무료 탄소 배출권도 2026년부터 단계적으로 폐지할 것이라고 덧붙임. 


UK to tighten emissions trading scheme from 2024 (Reuters, 07-03)

OSLO, July 3 (Reuters) - The UK emissions trading scheme (ETS) will be reformed next year to tighten limits on carbon dioxide pollution and expanded in 2026 to include new sectors, the relevant authority said on Monday.

Introduced in 2021 for an initial phase lasting until 2030, it replaced the UK's participation in the European Union's ETS.

Designed to incentivise industry to cut emissions, the scheme forces participants from energy intensive industries, the power generation sector and aviation to buy permits to release CO2.

Building on the first years of trading and a consultation held last year, the UK Emissions Trading System Authority has decided that industries covered by the scheme will need to bring down emissions at a faster rate to reach net zero goals.

This will lower the so called net-zero cap for Phase 1 to the top of the consulted range of 887-936 million allowances, the authority said.

The current cap is 1,365 million, according to the consultation papers.

At the same time, the authorities will release an addition 53.5 million allowances from reserves between 2024 and 2027 to ensure that there is no sudden drop in allowance supply between 2023 and 2024, it said.

The level of freely allocated allowances which industry receives to shield it from international competition in markets with no or lower carbon pricing has also been guaranteed until 2026, the authority said.

It also announced that the UK ETS will be extended to cover domestic maritime transport from 2026 and to cover waste from 2028, while a phased removal of free carbon allowances for the aviation industry will be rolled out in 2026.